Intitulé de l'appel d'offre public Supply of liquid hydrocarbons to the mauritanian market and the extension of storage capacities for liquid petroleum products in Nouakchott | Commission Nationale des Hydrocarbures (CNHY)


The Supervisory Commission for the process of selecting a supplier responsible for supplying Mauritania with liquid petroleum products, acting on behalf of approved importers, launches an international call for tenders for the selection of a hydrocarbon supplier liquids (gasoline, kerosene, gasoil and fuel oil) intended to cover consumption on the Mauritanian market and the construction of storage capacity of 100,000 m3 in Nouakchott. The duration of the contract will be two years from December 03, 2023. During this period, the only imports authorized for these products intended for approved importers will be those carried out within the framework of the contracts resulting from this Call for Tenders, with the exception of products intended for bunkering Offshore.

The Commission invites, by this notice of Call for Tenders, Bidders admitted to compete, to present their offers in closed envelopes for this market.

Tenderers who meet the following criteria are eligible to compete:

Be a professional in the hydrocarbon sector and have proven experience in the field of hydrocarbon supply;
Have an average turnover, over the last three financial years, greater than or equal to four (4) billion US dollars per year;
Not be part of, nor be associated with a party subject to a judicial review procedure calling into question its technical, environmental and/or financial capacities;
Not be pending the ruling of a final judicial decision or an arbitral award for acts of corruption and/or unethical behavior;
Not be subject to penalties as defined in Article 19 of the tender regulations;
Provide a certificate proving I) that it has achieved similar storage capacities with capacities greater than or equal to 100,000 m3, or II) that it has had similar storage capacities of capacities greater than or equal to 100,000 m3 built for its own benefit or for the benefit of a country, or III) either that it is in a consortium as lead partner with a company with proven experience in the construction of similar storage capacities with capacities greater than or equal to 100,000 m3.
The financial statements of the bidding company or members of the consortium, if the bidder is a group, must be certified by a duly authorized, internationally renowned firm.

If the tenderer is a consortium:

The tender and the letter of commitment must be signed by the leader (agent of the consortium) or by all the members of the consortium;
The tender guarantee and the performance guarantee must be drawn up in the name of all the members of the consortium;
All the administrative documents in points c, i and j of article 14 of the Tender Rules must be provided for each member of the consortium
Tenderers may ask questions or propose amendments to the Tender Dossier no later than fifteen (15) days before the deadline for submission of tenders.

These amendments may notably concern the evaluation criteria. The Commission will publish any addendum no later than ten (10) days before the closing date for the submission of tenders.

The bid bond is fixed at an amount of two million (2,000,000) US dollars.

Bidders interested in competing may obtain additional information or examine the Tender Documents at the offices of the National Hydrocarbons Commission at the address indicated below:


Zone Sebkha sise au N° 0008 D situé entre le Ministère du Pétrole, des Mines et de l’Energie et le Ministère de l’Equipement et des Transports, TEL +22245244527 FAX +22245244528 e-mail : [email protected] ou [email protected]»

The Tender Document may be obtained by Bidders, from September 11th, 2023, upon simple request, from the National Hydrocarbons Commission. The submission file must include a receipt for payment of a non-refundable amount of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Ouguiya (MRU 350,000) or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency in account No. 300 11 79 opened at the Central Bank of Mauritania (BCM) Nouakchott Mauritania on behalf of the National Hydrocarbons Commission. All offers must be submitted no later than October 12th, 2023 before 10 a.m. UT to the address of the National Hydrocarbons Commission

The technical envelopes will be opened in the presence of the representatives of the Bidders who wish to do so, on October 12th, 2023 at 10 a.m. UT, in the meeting room of the National Hydrocarbons Commission at the address indicated above.

The President of the Commission