Intitulé de l'appel d'offre public Étude géologique, géotechnique et hydrogéologique pour le projet Aman Ptx en Mauritanie | CWP Global

Geological, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Study for Aman Ptx Project Mauritania

CWP Global invites expressions of interest to perform a Geological, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological study with desktop analysis, mapping and accompanying site investigation work.

This work will support the design of the Aman PtX project in Mauritania. Please see more information and forms for application here –

All companies responding must have the legal capacity to enter a binding contract with CWP and to deliver in Mauritania, or through an authorized representative, and to have resources necessary to effectively execute the Scope of Work outlined on the website. Companies must be qualified and experienced at performing the required work in similar environments and in addition well documented experience and credibility in geotechnical data acquisition including laboratory analysis and geotechnical feasibility studies.

EOI (Expression of Interest) submissions must be received by the closing date of March 15.